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Parting out 2 Swifts, N80862 and N78193.
N78193, s/n 2193 Airframe TT 2165 hours
This stalled plane crashed after takeoff and sustained substantial damage. I have disassembled most of the fuselage into component pieces. It was gear up when it crashed and the gear look good. The Dual Stick system did receive some damage. This could either be repaired or contact the original STC manufacturer for replacement parts. Attached are a sample of pictures of the main parts.
N80862 1946 s/n 265 Airframe TT 1516 hours
Plane flew until 1971 when the wings were removed and it was stored in a barn in PA. Corrosion throughout, some very light and the parts are very useable, like the wings. I would recommend a thorough inspection of every inch, corrosion removal where possible and replacement where it’s too bad. As you can see from the pictures, I started this process. I stripped a lot of the paint and the nose has been separated from the fuselage. The plan is to separate the center wing section from the aft fuselage to continue to mitigate the corrosion and rebuild the airplane. This will also make it easier to transport. Attached are a sample of pictures of the main parts.
All parts are in Chalfont, PA. Email me at with questions and offers.
Center Section Light corrosion everywhere, heavy is some spots.
Cowling, Original Some big dents
Engine Baffles, C-125
Engine Mount, C-125 Great shape
Fillets Tail Lower Great shape
Fillets Tail Upper Great shape
Fillets Tail Wheel Great shape
Fillets Wing Forward Great shape
Fillets Wing Lower Great shape, one missing chunk
Fillets Wing Rear Great shape
Fillets Wing Upper Great shape
Flap Hydraulic Actuator
Flaps Great shape, possible light corrosion
Fuselage Great shape, possible light corrosion
Gear Doors
Horizontal Stab with elevators Great shape, possible light corrosion
Hydraulic Pack
Landing Gear actuators
Left Main Gear, Adel Rusty
Left wing fuel tank Currently still in inner wing
Left wing with aileron Great shape, possible light corrosion
Right Main Gear, Adel Rusty
Right wing fuel tank Great shape
Right wing with aileron Great shape, possible light corrosion
Rudder Great shape, possible light corrosion
Side Windows light corrosion, plexiglass no good
Tail Wheel with A Frame (Scott 2000)
Vertical Stab Great shape, come with new ribs
O-320 Package (Cowl, Engine mount, Spinner) STC SA1007, Cowl and engine mount are damaged
Dual Stick Package (Sticks, Instrument Panel) STC SA4855NM, Damaged
Gull-wing Canopy STC SA 4727NM
Right Main Gear, Adel (w/o wheel, brakes)
Left Main Gear, Adel (w/o wheel, brakes)
Tail Wheel with A Frame (Scott 2000)
Rudder Great shape
P-51 Doors May have to replace piano hinge
Baggage Fuel Tank On TC. Comes with straps and damaged fuel collector
Dual Brake Rudder Pedals
Flap Hydraulic Actuator
Landing Gear actuators
Left wing fuel tank
Right wing fuel tank
Hydraulic Pack
Spinner Hartzell 13″
GPS Bendix/King KMD 150 with tray
XPDR Bendix/King KT 76C
Alt Encoder AT 3000
VOR/LOC King KI 208
Antenna Coupler King Marine
2 Place Intercom Sigtronics SPA-400
Directional Gyro Cessna C661002-0504
Horizon Gyro Cessna CM 2674-1
Triple Gauge (Oil Press, Oil Temp, Cyl Temp) Garwin 22-804-09
VSI, Type C-2 Bulova Watch Co. 94-27967-B
Manifold Pressure Gauge UMA 7-300-50
Electric Turn and Slip Electric Gyro Corp Model 1394T100
200 MPH/170 Knot Airspeed Indicator Aircraft Inst & Development Inc. 11-1002-2
G Meter (Accelerometer)
Fuel Flow Gauge w/sensor Fuel Scan 450
Fuel Pressure Gauge (direct read) UMA 3-311-20
Digital Electronic Timer Hoskins MTI 100
Ammeter Generic