1946 GC-1B N8o776 ser179. Cont I0-360 450hrs factory reman. Airframe 3,200hrs. Annual July 24. Sticks, C-150 seats, small wheels, gear doors, square wing tips and no slots, 9-gal aux tank 35 gals total, electric trim. 2 KX-165, dual ILS, DME. KNX-95B, all 28v, ADK, marker beacon, transponder, Swiftronics fuel flow. No ADS-B. Purchased this plane […]
Swift aircraft, aircraft projects and aircraft parts for sale by members of the Swift Museum Foundation.
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Beautiful Swift for sale! Fresh annual, Low Time, Updated Avionics Contact Grahm Kline gkline@aircraftbidder.com
Swift Part Wanted: Drag Link – Contact David Hall dhall003@elp.rr.com
Am looking for a Drag Link (Scott PN 3250) to replace one that got cracked.Please advise if anyone has one for sale.Thanks,Dave Hall915-532-0752 dhall003@elp.rr.com
Swift Parts Wanted! Contact Sam Email: Sam@aircorpsaviation.com
Swift Parts for Sale – Hartzell Spinner for Hartzell Propeller – Click ad to view images
Spinner and Bulkhead assembly complete. Brand new / in the box. List price $4,360.00 Asking $ 3,500.00 Shipping not included – Contact Scott at SMF Headquarters 423-745-9547
Swift Project for Sale – Contact Simon Diver Email DiverAir@verizon.net
Swift Project for sale, please contact Simon Diver diverair@verizon.net for specifics. Fuselage as seen including Trailer, and traveling Jig. Located T35 Central Texas, 2 “ ball. Bring truck and take all. Some paperwork/logs/Registration/ etc. $3000 for all. Please email for all information. Simon Diver
** Parts! Parts! Parts! ** Parting Out 2 Swifts! **
Contact Jay Email: Troxx@aol.com Parting out 2 Swifts, N80862 and N78193. N78193, s/n 2193 Airframe TT 2165 hoursThis stalled plane crashed after takeoff and sustained substantial damage. I have disassembled most of the fuselage into component pieces. It was gear up when it crashed and the gear look good. The Dual Stick system did receive […]
Swift Parts For Sale – Straight tube header style exhaust system. They will fit the Continental 125-0300 engine series. Contact Cody Coombs Email: CCoombs@bellsouth.net
Straight tube header style exhaust system. They will fit the Continental 125-0300 engine series engines. They were installed when the fiberglass cowling was installed. I have since installed the stock pipes on mine. I have no paperwork regarding their installation or the manufacturer. They are in excellent shape with no rust or damage. They were […]