Swift aircraft, aircraft projects and aircraft parts for sale by members of the Swift Museum Foundation.
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For Sale: 1946 GLOBE SUPER SWIFT 180HP • $118,500 • FOR SALE BY PROUD OWNER • 1946 Globe Super Swift “GC1B” Lyc Fuel Injected IO-360 180HP! (Pictures are on the way! Update- 10-12-23 sent another request for pics, as soon as we receive them we will post them!)
1946 GLOBE SUPER SWIFT 180HP • $118,500 • FOR SALE BY PROUD OWNER • 1946 Globe Super Swift “GC1B” Lyc Fuel Injected IO-360 180HP Hartzell Constant SPD “HC-C2YK-1BF” ACTT 2191hrs, TSMO 1123hrs, Annual/TranzP June 2023, Compression all high 70’s. Empty 1401lbs Gross 1970lbs! Long Range Fuel! Sliding Canopy! Dual Sticks! C150 Seats! P51 Gear Doors! […]
Parts For Sale: T-35 Aeromatic F200 Spinner and Franklin 165 exhaust. Contact Will Kientz 314-578-7199
swift parts for sale
Swift Museum Foundation Annual Fundraiser Raffle
SWIFT PARTS WANTED! DAVID WOOD convairxb36@sbcglobal.net
We have merch! If you would like to purchase, please call the museum at 423-745-9547 or stop by to see us! Various sizes available.
(Prices subject to change due to our supplier)
For Sale: Globe Swift GC1B $39,900 Owner is too old to fly anymore must sell: Older restoration 0-300 motor, 150 seats, low profile main gear, belly aux. tanks, Mid-time Engine, aircraft in annual. Call 903-271-3323 or email Cutlerville@msn.com
Swift Parts For Sale Contact Harley Howell hhowell83@icloud.com
Rebuilt vertical stabilizer with vertical reinforcement kit installed. Asking $2500.00 Exchange plus shipping. Cessna 150 seats no rails asking $400.00 plus shipping Harley Howell. 509-590-3312. hhowell83@icloud.com
Handmade Leather Wallets
My son (15) carved me a wallet based on my 1950 Temco swift. (He has been learning to do this for a couple years.) I was so impressed by how it turned out I told him I’d put in an ad here. He can customize to your model of swift. $30.00 Please contact anthony.rubiano@gmail.com by […]
Looking for Parts! WesCreagermd@gmail.com
Wanted! Fuel pump for 145 HP Continental. 94 year old Swifter still flies the right seat, but needs a fuel pump before I hang it up.(270)484-4543