MAGNETO ADVICE… The following is good information about magneto problems from Jim Montague… Well, We made the deal & Mark went down to Houston & looked it over for the ferry permit. It ran up fine, but 20 miles out a mag quit, so he returned to the airpark. Inspection revealed a melted coil. AD […]

An archive collection of Jim Montague's "Monty the Answer Man" replies from the weekly GTS Internet Updates with additional advice from guest "Answer Man" Steve Wilson and other famous Swift experts like Don Bartholomew, Geoff Crawford, Ed Lloyd, Mark Holliday, and more...
Lycoming O-360 – Monty the Answer Man Archives
LYCOMING CAMSHAFT LUBRICATION… From: Subject: Re: Ney Nozzles I’m in the middle of overhauling my Lyc 180 and considering installing Ney nozzles to lube the cam lobes & tappets. Any thoughts or advice on this mod? Bob Webster of the KY wing recommended them. Dick, Nice to hear from you. I have no first […]
Lycoming O-320 – Monty the Answer Man Archives
FROM THE “I FIND THIS HARD TO BELIEVE” DEPARTMENT… I think I put Mike’s success with ’11Echo in a previous update but don’t remember. Anyway, saw the following in the So-Cal Newsletter… “FASTER AND LIGHTER… Mike Williams checked-out Jim Stribling, Columbus, Ohio, in his new Swift, N711E, sporting an O-300D and new polish. It lost […]
Landing Gear: Struts – Monty the Answer Man Archives
WORN SPOT ON STRUT… From: (Bob Runge) Hi Jim: I have a worn spot on my Adel right strut. Can these be re plated? Thought I read somewhere that they were too thin to grind. Best regards…….Bob Runge Bob, If its just a spot that gets rusty, I would sand it with fine paper, […]
Landing Gear: General – Monty the Answer Man Archives
BUSHINGS… From: (Bob Runge) Hi Jim: Are the bushings in the landing gear tourque knee scissors bronze or steel? Mine are sloppy and I want to get some replacement material before I tear them open. I’m assuming the ID is 1/4″ seeing they use a 1/4″ screw. I plan on replacing the bolts, also. […]
Hangaring a Swift – Monty the Answer Man Archives
TOW HOOK… From the Yahoo! Globe Temco Swift Club: Is there anywhere in the tail or at the tail wheel where it is safe to attach a hook to pull the plane back into the hanger? Don Cumpston <> Don, I was in a hangar for a short time that occasionally flooded (only when it […]
Gear-Up Landings – Monty the Answer Man Archives
PREVENTING FIRES AFTER GEAR UP LANDINGS… From Swifter Gerry Mahoney ( “Swift N80556 is history but our Swifts need not suffer the same fate in a gear up landing. The fuel line can be routed from the collector tank to the shut-off valve and then through the sump filter. Install a nylon or equivalent drain […]
Flying the Swift – Monty the Answer Man Archives
SWIFT AS A FIRST TAILWHEEL AIRPLANE… My name is Robert Allen. I’ve been interested in Swifts since reading the article about Super Swifts in the 11/97 issue of AOPA Pilot. Since I’m new to the type, I’m looking forward to using this forum to learn as much as I can about the Swift. Please be […]
Airframe: Flaps – Monty the Answer Man Archives
FLAPS… To: From: Bob Runge ( Subject: Flaps and Windows Jim, When I’m done flying for the day, I leave my flaps up. Next time I get there, they are either somewhat down or down completely. When I turn on the master, the hydraulic pump comes on and puts them up. Is this an […]
Buying a Swift – Monty the Answer Man Archives
Some good advice here that has been shared by Swift experts in past GTS Internet Update Newsletters. BECOMING A SWIFT “CARETAKER”… (11499) To become the caretaker of a living, breathing, flying Swift is the dream and goal of every person needing to fill that deep aeronautical craving in their soul that only this classic airplane can […]