WANTS TO GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL “N” NUMBER… Subject: Re: general info 781X From: Don Cumpston <don@penn.com> Hi Monty, I was thinking about changing my tail number back to the original but can’t remember where I read how to go about it. The short tail number is nice but most controllers call back for […]

An archive collection of Jim Montague's "Monty the Answer Man" replies from the weekly GTS Internet Updates with additional advice from guest "Answer Man" Steve Wilson and other famous Swift experts like Don Bartholomew, Geoff Crawford, Ed Lloyd, Mark Holliday, and more...
Three-Point Landings – Monty the Answer Man Archives
THREE POINT LANDINGS IN A SWIFT… From: Alan Dicker <jdicker@sprynet.com> Subject: Swift landing technique Denis/Jim, I was talking to a CFI last weekend regarding the Swift. I told him that in my limitedexperience the Swift is always wheel landed rather than 3 pointed. He seemed a little disbelieving and unfortunately I wasn’t able to give […]
Swift Speed Secrets – Monty the Answer Man Archives
FASTER, FASTER, FASTER!!! (010200) From: Steve Wetherbee <wasinc@northpro.net> Monty, Some more Swift questions: Do you or someone in the organization have any lists of other speed mods both approved and unapproved and as to how much speed is gained for each mod? We are thinking about the flap gap seals, are they worth the no paperwork […]
Landing Gear Hydraulic Pump Motor – Monty the Answer Man Archives
GEAR PUMP From: Steve Roth (stevenroth@aol.com) When I used the Adel motor and used flaps, the motor would “blip” every fewseconds and the gear motor light would illuminate for a brief instant. What would cause that? Steve, That is a common thing, not related to the type of motor. The gear is probably falling off […]
Landing Gear Emergency Extension – Monty the Answer Man Archives
EMERGENCY EXTENSION CABLE SLIPS OFF PULLY… From: gi@lucent.de Subject: Re: Emergency Gear extension Hi Monty, I wanted to go flying last weekend and during the preflight check I found the right emergency gear down cable has jumped of the actuator-pulley (the one where the gear is). Playing a little bit with it I found that […]
Landing Gear Doors – Monty the Answer Man Archives
LOOKING FOR P-51 STYLE GEAR DOOR INFORMATION… (050199) Does anyone have the correct measurements for the P-51 style gear doors? I need the distance from the hinge (top of the gear door) to the point where the gear door connecting rods attach to the gear door. Also the correct length of the connecting rods. My current […]
Hydraulic System – Monty the Answer Man Archives
THE RED STUFF… My experience with other aircraft has demonstrated to me that periodic replacement of the hydraulic fluid is probably best. It gets very ugly looking after a few years. I can easily do on the brake system, but what is the best way to do on the landing gear/flap system? Is there a […]
History and Production of the Swift – Monty the Anser Man Archives
IDENTITY CRISIS… From: Bob Runge <ejectr@javanet.com> Swift N80528 s/n31, I recently purchased the above listed Swift and have just finished reading “The History of the Swift” on the Swift home page. I am confused. My aircraft started life as a GC-1A and was converted to a GC-1B via an STC in 1951 (according to the […]
Airframe: Vertical/Rudder – Monty the Answer Man Archives
VERTICAL STAB BEEF-UP??? (090200) From: Bill Doty <wdoty@seidata.com> Via: Yahoo! “Globe Temco Swift Club” I have been told there is an AD on the trailing edge of vertical stabilizer. Stiffeners of some sort. Can someone fill me in on this. While the rudder is off is a good time to comply. Thanks, Bill Doty Bill, No, […]
Airframe: Horizontal/Elevator – Monty the Answer Man Archives
REBULIDING HORIZONTAL STAB… (080100) Subj: Re: control surface balancing From: Michelle Dolin <swiftgal@hotmail.com> Hi Jim, We are in the process of rebuilding the horizontal. We have to replace the forward channel piece, that ties the 2 forward spars together, and the trim cables run through it. Is there a trick to getting the trim cables off? […]