FROM THE “I FIND THIS HARD TO BELIEVE” DEPARTMENT… I think I put Mike’s success with ’11Echo in a previous update but don’t remember. Anyway, saw the following in the So-Cal Newsletter… “FASTER AND LIGHTER… Mike Williams checked-out Jim Stribling, Columbus, Ohio, in his new Swift, N711E, sporting an O-300D and new polish. It lost […]
Landing Gear: Struts – Monty the Answer Man Archives
WORN SPOT ON STRUT… From: (Bob Runge) Hi Jim: I have a worn spot on my Adel right strut. Can these be re plated? Thought I read somewhere that they were too thin to grind. Best regards…….Bob Runge Bob, If its just a spot that gets rusty, I would sand it with fine paper, […]
Landing Gear: General – Monty the Answer Man Archives
BUSHINGS… From: (Bob Runge) Hi Jim: Are the bushings in the landing gear tourque knee scissors bronze or steel? Mine are sloppy and I want to get some replacement material before I tear them open. I’m assuming the ID is 1/4″ seeing they use a 1/4″ screw. I plan on replacing the bolts, also. […]
Hangaring a Swift – Monty the Answer Man Archives
TOW HOOK… From the Yahoo! Globe Temco Swift Club: Is there anywhere in the tail or at the tail wheel where it is safe to attach a hook to pull the plane back into the hanger? Don Cumpston <> Don, I was in a hangar for a short time that occasionally flooded (only when it […]
Gear-Up Landings – Monty the Answer Man Archives
PREVENTING FIRES AFTER GEAR UP LANDINGS… From Swifter Gerry Mahoney ( “Swift N80556 is history but our Swifts need not suffer the same fate in a gear up landing. The fuel line can be routed from the collector tank to the shut-off valve and then through the sump filter. Install a nylon or equivalent drain […]
Flying the Swift – Monty the Answer Man Archives
SWIFT AS A FIRST TAILWHEEL AIRPLANE… My name is Robert Allen. I’ve been interested in Swifts since reading the article about Super Swifts in the 11/97 issue of AOPA Pilot. Since I’m new to the type, I’m looking forward to using this forum to learn as much as I can about the Swift. Please be […]
Airframe: Flaps – Monty the Answer Man Archives
FLAPS… To: From: Bob Runge ( Subject: Flaps and Windows Jim, When I’m done flying for the day, I leave my flaps up. Next time I get there, they are either somewhat down or down completely. When I turn on the master, the hydraulic pump comes on and puts them up. Is this an […]
Buying a Swift – Monty the Answer Man Archives
Some good advice here that has been shared by Swift experts in past GTS Internet Update Newsletters. BECOMING A SWIFT “CARETAKER”… (11499) To become the caretaker of a living, breathing, flying Swift is the dream and goal of every person needing to fill that deep aeronautical craving in their soul that only this classic airplane can […]
Registration Numbers – Monty the Answer Man Archives
WANTS TO GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL “N” NUMBER… Subject: Re: general info 781X From: Don Cumpston <> Hi Monty, I was thinking about changing my tail number back to the original but can’t remember where I read how to go about it. The short tail number is nice but most controllers call back for […]
Three-Point Landings – Monty the Answer Man Archives
THREE POINT LANDINGS IN A SWIFT… From: Alan Dicker <> Subject: Swift landing technique Denis/Jim, I was talking to a CFI last weekend regarding the Swift. I told him that in my limitedexperience the Swift is always wheel landed rather than 3 pointed. He seemed a little disbelieving and unfortunately I wasn’t able to give […]