125/145/O-300 SPINNER… (7299) (Off the Yahoo! Globe Temco Swift Club) I am about to get a new spinner but need to know the diameter of the bushings on the crank flange. Anybody know what the diameter is? I have been looking for a spinner which has a larger diameter than the BN-1 I am using. Thanks, […]
Continental C85-C90 Info – Monty the Answer Man Archives
CONTINENTAL C85 TO C90… (010200) Subject: Re: GC-1A To: RCook63133@aol.com I’ll take the info under consideration when the time comes. Can a C85 hp be converted into a C90? — Roy Roy, Yes, and no… the C-85 Overhaul manual has a paragraph which states, “conversions to model C-90 are not approved”… but then Continental published a […]
Tachometer Markings – Monty the Answer Man Archives
TACH MARKINGS From: Steven Roth (StevenRoth@aol.com) My tach needs to be changed. I have a C-125 converted to a C-145/O-300A. It has no color markings and records tach speed too quickly. It needs to be set for cruise at 2500. Any ideas what the color bands should be for this engine in a Swift? Green […]
Tow bar for the Swift – Monty the Answer Man Archives
Jack Gladish Swift Tow Bar – with photos From: Jack Gladish gladish@adams.net Subject: Tow Bar Hi Denis.. It’s nice to e-mail you, and say hello! I’m sending a series of pix of my tow bar I inherited when I bought 21K. This is a follow up on the request in the April news letter asking about […]
Spark Plugs – Monty the Answer Man Archives
SPARK PLUG BUSHING WOES… (8199) My Swift is in annual and the previous owner/mechanic must have used a 10 foot breaker bar to tighten the spark plugs! With sweat pouring from us, we finally got 11 out but as the 12th broke free, the cylinder head bushing came out rather than the plug. These bushing are […]
Tires – Monty the Answer Man Archives
THE CARE AND FEEDING OF TIRES AND TUBES…(110500) By Steve Wilson <SteveWlson@aol.com> Tube type tires, which are original equipment on our Swifts, slowly leak air. It’s normal! It is a fact of life you need to get used to! Aircraft tires are one of the most important components which are routinely ignored until they “look” […]
Insurance for the Swift – Monty the Answer Man Archives
INSURANCE WOES… (010200) From: Scott Keating <aerograffects@csi.com> Subject: swift info Hi! I’m looking at a 210hp Swift (real seriously too), but am VERY disappointed at the reaction of the insurance companies we’ve contacted about it…AVEMCO quoted $1600/year for it, our Bonanza was almost half that. Any suggestions on insurance companies to look at, or is this […]
Fuel System – Monty the Answer Man Archives
VENTING CAN BE HARMFUL TO YOUR HEALTH… I just got around to reading the Swift letter for September. There is something about reading about people and their flying experiences with the Swift that brings back fond memories. Reminiscing about my Swift got me thinking about my airplane and it’s unique fuel tank vent system design. […]
Cowlings – Monty the Answer Man Archives
Bob Runge’s Cowl Latch Safety Device GC-1A COWLING ON GC-1B… I know that you will love this one. I was just looking at some of the beautiful Swifts in the photo collection that is part of the Swift pages when I noticed that the information describing N8888, Bill Whenchel’s airplane, indicates that he is utilizing […]
Continental IO-360 Information – Monty the Amswer Man Archives
CONTINENTAL IO-360 AD… AD 97-26-17, (replace airmelt crank with vacuum arc remelt {VAC} crank), has been mailed to all those concerned and includes the straight IO-360s (not just the turbos). Apparently, FAA data showed that 5 of the 8 airmelt crankshaft failures occurred on IO-360 (non-turbo) engines and of the five, two had more than […]