Wingtips, Wing Skins, Battery Relocation, Rudder Caps
Avionics, Instruments and Systems
EGT/CHT systems, Carb Ice Detectors, Autopilots, Standby Vacuum Systems
Engines, Props, Cowlings and Spinners
Engine and Propeller Conversions, Spinners, Engine Intake Air Filters.
Fuel System
Aux Fuel Tanks, Electric Boost Pumps, Auto Fuel Conversions
Landing Gear, Wheels and Brakes
Brakes, Brake Disks, Landing Gear Doors, Landing Gear Hydraulic Pumps
Control Stick Conversions, Pulselight Systems, Elevator Trim Location/Operation, Gull-Wing Hatch, Rear Seat
STCs to change from the original split windshield to a 1-piece windshield.